
Integrated Logistics will help you take control of freight expenses. Through our vast menu of services, we can not only relieve the task of paying your freight bills, but will ensure you are paying the correct amount through our auditing process, saving you time and money.Through data on each freight bill, an immense amount of logistics information is captured. This information can be created into custom reports based on what the needs are of each client. You decide what data is essential to your business for you to analyze, and we create it.

Consulting Services

Transportation can be a huge cost within an organization’s logistics system. With so many variables affecting rates and service levels, the right questions need to be asked to ensure you are getting the most for your money.

Let Integrated Logistics do the negotiating for you, and identify where you can save on your current inbound and outbound spend.

We maintain a knowledge base of current market trends, enabling us to use that knowledge to leverage the most competitive rates and outstanding service levels from Transportation Providers.

Simply provide Integrated Logistics with volumes and shipping lanes, and let us analyze the data and utilize our expertise to source the Transportation Providers that will fit your requirements.

Transportation Management

Managing your freight takes time. Integrated Logistics will help you take control of freight expenses.

The entire process of developing a shipment, selecting a carrier, tracking the order, addressing issues that may arise in-transit, and following through on delivery can be tedious.

Integrated Logistics can manage this process for you, saving your staff valuable time. With one point of contact at Integrated Logistics, you will no longer have to make several calls to delegate your freight, or track shipments. Make one phone call and consider the freight moved and delivered.

Freight Bill Audit and Payment

Why Freight Audit and Payment?

The final step in each order is to make sure carriers are paid for their services, specifically within their payment terms.

Through our vast menu of services, we can not only relieve the task of paying your freight bills, but will ensure you are paying the correct amount through our auditing process, saving you time and money. Each freight bill is examined by our auditors to make certain the information on the bill is not only accurate, but billed according to your terms with each carrier.

Through data on each freight bill, an immense amount of logistics information is captured. This information can be created into custom reports based on what the needs are of each client. You decide what data is essential to your business for you to analyze, and we create it.